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Denver Movers Share Tips for Moving with Pets During the Winter

Moving in winter can be tough. There’s ice on the roads, inclement weather to worry about, and cold temperatures to insulate against. However, making sure they stay safe and comfortable throughout the process can be even more difficult when you move with pets. Though your Colorado moving company will do its best to make sure its activities don’t impact your animals negatively, there are still some things you can do to keep your pet happy and safe during a winter-time move. Here are a few tips to make it as simple as possible.

Give Them a Warm and Cozy Shelter

During periods of stress, pets do best when they have a place to retreat to. This can be a bed in the corner of the room, a dark corner of the closet, or a favorite carpet patch next to the fireplace. Wherever your pet likes to curl up and spend time when everyone else is busy running around is the best place to set up a temporary retreat. Make the space comfortable and accessible to them when you’re packing up. Make sure to include their favorite toys so they have something constructive to do with their time. When animals get stressed and don’t have an outlet, they often become destructive.

Keep Them Away from the Action

During the summer, your pets are best left outside with water and shade. However, during the winter, the cold temperatures can make it hard to leave your furry family members in the yard. Instead, find a place indoors to keep them away from the dollies, heavy boxes, and moving team. After the machines have been removed or a bathroom where the movers won’t need to go, the laundry room is a wonderful option. Your pets will be out of the way and out of the weather, so you can focus on the move rather than worrying about their safety and wellbeing.

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Consider a Boarding Facility

Moving can take a toll on your pet’s emotional state and stress level. Rather than leaving them to face the stress head-on, consider separating them from the situation entirely. Board them for a few days at the vet’s office or a designated boarding facility. There, they’ll receive plenty of care, attention, and playtime without having to watch the house get packed up around them. This can make a move go more quickly and helps reduce the amount of stress you feel during the move. Instead of splitting your attention between the movers and your pets, you’ll be able to focus on directing the crew, finding the perfect place for your furniture, and get the basics set up before bringing your furry best friend home.

We know that moving with pets can be a challenge, but as long as you’re prepared, handling a winter-time move with your furry family members doesn’t have to be stressful. If you’re planning on moving this winter, contact Eden’s Moving & Storage to schedule an estimate today. Our experienced and insured movers will take care of your belongings, and we’ll do our best to make sure the move is as simple and fast as possible.

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