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How to Pack Your Electronics

There’s no denying that packing up your home is stressful, but for most people, the biggest challenge comes from keeping their electronics safe in transit. Items like game systems, laptops, and even DVD players can often be taken in the car on the drive to your new home. Still, larger items like entertainment centers and televisions must be handled and transported by the moving company. Luckily, packing your electronics to ensure they arrive safely is surprisingly easy. Here’s how.

Take Pictures Before You Pack Up

Electronics are complicated machines and, no matter how hard you try, it’s easy to lose track of how the cords need to be arranged. The last thing anyone wants to do is fight with cords once the electronics are unloaded from the truck. Instead of settling in for the struggle, take pictures of how each item is hooked up before you start disassembling the entertainment center. Use your cell phone, so you’ll have access to the images without having to hunt for them at your new home. This will help streamline the assembly process and ensure that everything gets hooked up correctly.

Turn Everything Off

Even though the electronics won’t be plugged into an outlet, they still need to be turned off before you pack them up. Leaving a piece of equipment turned on can be a safety hazard, especially if it has internal batteries. These batteries continue to draw power even in standby mode and may overheat when surrounded by packing materials. Though rare, it could damage the equipment, leaving you without your favorite gear when you arrive at your new home.
Use Original Packaging Whenever Possible
The original packaging was designed to keep your electronics safe during transit and storage. If possible, try to repack your electronics in their original boxes with the original padding. This way, they’ll move around less inside the packaging, reducing the risk of damage and keeping sensitive components safe on the road.

Be Mindful of Static

If the original packing materials are not available, you’ll want to take the time to find the appropriate padding and packaging to protect your electronics. Opt for bubble wrap instead of packing peanuts and consider using old clothes and dishtowels for added padding. These items will reduce the buildup of static and keep your gear cleaner until it’s time to unpack. Avoid using Styrofoam beads or padding as small bits can break off and get into your electronics, causing problems down the road.

Seal the Boxes with Packing Tape

Though it may seem like all tape is created equal, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, nothing is more effective at sealing boxes like proper packing tape. The adhesive is specially formulated to stick to boxes, keeping your belongings safe and secure in the packaging, even when you’re carrying the box. Avoid using inferior tapes like masking and duct tape when sealing your boxes, as they will likely break under strain.

Whether you plan on picking up yourself or need help safely packing up your heavy electronics, Eden’s Moving is here to help. Our friendly movers will take care to secure your belongings both on and off the truck. Contact us today to schedule a free moving estimate.

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