The holidays can be stressful, so the last thing that most people want to do during this time of year is moving to another home. But unfortunately, sometimes people don’t get to choose when they have to move. If you have no other choice but to move during the hectic holiday season, follow these tips from our movers in Denver:
Keep the Holiday Spirit Alive
If you’re moving with kids, they may be upset that the move is overshadowing the holidays. Lift their spirits by staying festive throughout the move! Play holiday music as everyone starts packing their belongings and making seasonal treats to snack on when you need a break. Doing this will show your kids that moving will not stop you from celebrating the holidays as a family.
After Christmas Move
The week between Christmas and New Year’s is the slowest week of the year for moving businesses, so this is the perfect time to plan your move. Rates may be lower since moving services are not in demand during this time of the year. Plus, many people take this week off of work so they can spend more time with their loved ones. This means that many of your friends and family members should be available to help with your move!
Keep the Holiday Decorations Up
At some point, the holiday decorations will need to come down to be packed away in boxes. But if possible, keep some of them up until everything else in your home has been packed away. If the holidays haven’t already passed by the time you get to your new home, put the decorations back up as soon as possible so you can celebrate your first holiday season in your new home.

Make Donations
Don’t start packing until you have sorted through your belongings to decide what you need and don’t need. Any items that fall in the “don’t need” category should be donated to a non-profit organization. These organizations are usually happy to accept donations of all kinds during the holiday season, so find time in your schedule to stop by and make a donation before you move.
Watch the Weather
The weather may not cooperate if you are trying to move during the holidays, so keep an eye on the forecast. If it is snowy or icy, be careful when moving boxes into the truck since the ground will be more slippery than usual. If movers are helping, clear the walkways before they arrive to make it easier for them to transport boxes to the truck. Learn more about the hidden costs of moving during the holidays.
Follow these helpful tips to make the process of moving into your home less stressful during the holiday season. For more advice, get in touch with the experts. Contact Eden’s Moving Company to discuss local and long-distance moving services with our team of professionals. Call us today to learn more about our services and request a quote.