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The Best Time to Plan Your Long Distance Move

It is not uncommon for most homeowners to forget to schedule a moving date during the moving process, which involves so many things like hiring a state-to-state mover, buying moving supplies, and packing your belongings.

However, determining the exact date for moving can make a huge difference and largely influence the process’s ease and budget.

For most homeowners who moved homes at some point in their lives, the time of the move is as crucial as the moving process. Therefore, if you plan to move, here are the ideal times to move in terms of costs and convenience.

Which is the Best Season to Move?

The ideal season to plan your next move depends on your preferences, budgets, and needs. Individuals on a strict budget tend to plan a winter, early spring, or late fall move. However, if you have school-age kids, you may want to consider planning for a summer move. Additionally, if you strongly prefer to move in more comfortable conditions, you can plan your relocation during the Spring or Fall.

Here is a complete breakdown of the seasons and why each appeals to different individuals as the ideal moving conditions:

Fall- provides the best weather conditions ideal for moving. You can also get a better deal on a home during Fall.

Winter- is the cheapest time to move since the demand for movers is lower. Movers tend to have more flexible schedules in the winter. However, it is not the best season if you are moving with kids.

Spring- weather is more favorable than winter weather. However, the demand for movers is still low in March and April.

Summer-  is the best time to move with your kids since they won’t be in school. Moreover, it is the best time to sell your home before moving since the demand is higher and at premium rates.

moving by season infographic

Which is the Best Month to Move?

Ideally, if costs and a strict budget guide you, you can save on a move in the late September to April window. Between these months, the rates are lower, and the demand for movers is slower.

Based on facts and experiences, the peak moving season stretches from Memorial Day to Labor Day weekend. Roughly 70% of all moving happens in the spring and summer seasons. This is mainly because kids are not in school, making a move convenient for everyone. Moreover, it is easier to move in summer and spring when the weather is favorable.

Additionally, college students and different renters typically move in the early Fall and late spring since it is the period when most leases start and end. If you live in a large city with lots of college students, avoid moving in early September.

For instance, in Boston, most apartment leases begin on September 1st, making it the busiest moving day around. To avoid feeling overwhelmed by the high number of moves, research the most common moving dates in that city and plan accordingly.

When is the Best Week of the Month to Move?

Our moving experts suggest planning a “mid-month” move instead of at the end or beginning of the month. Therefore, if you are flexible enough to avoid moving the last or first week of the month, your best option would be to plan a move mid-month in the middle of the week.

During this period, the demand for movers is at the lowest, and your moving costs might be cheaper. The first week of every month tends to be busy for movers since most leases start around the first few days of the month.

When is the Best Day of the Week to Move?

Consider a weekday when planning for your move. Most movers recommend moving between Monday and Thursday since there is less demand during these days. Therefore, if you can excuse yourself from work for a day or two between Monday and Thursday, chances are you will have a seamless moving experience. Of course, it becomes easier for you if you work from home. You can move at your convenience.

Conversely, moving on a weekend may increase your moving costs since the demand for movers is higher. Moreover, there is a limited number of weekends in a month, especially during peak moving seasons.

In addition, moving on a weekday allows you the convenience of unpacking during the upcoming weekend and organize yourself before the new week.

What is the Best Time in the Day to Move?

Morning hours are generally the best times to move. Most professional movers tend to arrive in the early hours, roughly between 8 am-10 am. Moving during such early hours provides cooler conditions for movers, especially during the warmer months.

Even if you are planning a self-move, it is best to get up early when you are fully energized after a cup of coffee. Fortunately, you will still have sufficient time to unpack, organize and enjoy your new home.

Alternative Factors to Consider When Planning A Moving Date

Weather. When factoring in the weather, it is best to understand your immediate environment properly. If you live in the Rocky Mountains, avoid moving in the middle of winter. The icy roads, heavy snows, treacherous conditions, and heavy lifting make your moving process extremely miserable.

· Family Concerns. Do you have school-going kids? If so, the best time to move is during summer to avoid a chaotic school year.

· Budget. You will have to consider your expected expenses and what is available on the market. Your financial needs happen to be intertwined with other factors such as weather. For instance, it is generally cheaper to move during winter compared to summer.

Bottom Line

Not everything works for everybody. “The best time” happens to be relative. What you would ordinarily consider the ideal moving conditions may be worse for someone else. Generally, the best time to move will depend entirely on your budget, weather, location, job flexibility, and family matters. Therefore, once you successfully figure out how to work the factors, you are on your way to a smooth and hassle-free interstate move.

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