Many people spend months researching local moving companies until narrowing down their options and hiring Eden’s Moving Company to pack and transport their belongings. Once you’ve scheduled your moving day, it’s important to learn what you need to get done before the Denver movers arrive. Here’s a list of tasks that should be complete:
Get rid of unwanted items.
It’s pointless to ask the movers to pack up and transport items that you no longer need, so go through your belongings before moving day to get rid of these unwanted items. How can you decide what you should get rid of? Most industry experts recommend parting ways with anything that you haven’t used within the last year. Learn how to sort and get rid of stuff before you move.
Determine what to do with hazardous and perishable items.
Many professional packers will not transport perishable or hazardous items. Talk to the moving company that you have hired to determine if the movers will pack these items. If not, take the time to make other arrangements for these items before the movers arrive. Donate the perishable items to a local non-profit that supplies food to the needy if you have hazardous items that you no longer need, research how you can safely dispose of them.
Take inventory.
Before the movers arrive, make sure you have a good idea of exactly what you are asking them to pack and bring to your new home. You don’t have to grab a pen and paper to create this list—it’s best to either use an Excel spreadsheet or an app such as MoveAdvisor designed for this purpose.

Pack a bag of important items.
Moving can be exhausting, so you probably won’t have much energy left to unpack by the time you arrive at your new home. Don’t spend the first night at your new home digging through boxes looking for a phone charger, medications, or toiletries. Keep all of these important items in a small bag that you can carry with you throughout the move. Don’t put this bag inside the moving truck—bring it with you in your vehicle to easily find the items you need without asking the movers for help.
Create a “do not pack” space.
Are there certain items that you would like to pack yourself? If you don’t want the movers handling certain belongings because they are valuable or fragile, make sure that you keep these in a “do not pack” zone. It’s a good idea to move all of these items into a room by themselves and then tell the movers that they don’t need to pack anything inside that room.
Now that you know how to prepare, it’s time to get in touch with the professionals to schedule your move. Contact Eden’s Moving Company for more information about local and long-distance moving services. Call us today to learn more about our services and request a quote.