Table of Contents


Urban vs. Rural: Choosing Your Ideal Home Location

Unpacking the Debate Between Small-Town Living and Big-City Life

Big-city and small-town living have been consistently idealized and even romanticized by our local media in movies, shows, stories, and books.

It is hard to get a realistic idea of where the truths and exaggerations lie because we typically end up with some small unnamed town for rural examples and then New York City with larger cities.

There are archetypes associated with both modes of life, but first-hand experience is the best way to figure out which is more suitable for the lifestyle you hope to lead.

Having a taste of both can give you a fresh perspective on how each environment lends to your ideals, wants, and needs.

But it can also provide some much-needed truths for your monthly and annual budget, future opportunities, and dreams.

Local movers in Colorado are used to this debate, as the state has the best of both worlds and suburban areas mixed into the landscape, all offering pros and cons.

moving into a small town

Moving to Small Towns

Small-town life is portrayed as idyllic and almost magical, but many harsh components of living in remote or rural areas cannot be fully understood until you live it.

Before you have to experience these things yourself, it is crucial that you gain as much information as possible on the details of the town you are considering.

More recent studies have found that smaller environments can enclose your state of mind, causing additional anxieties around routine events, people, places, and things.

It has also revealed that there is less to stress about, as you have more time in nature and out in open spaces, so you aren’t stuck in gridlocked traffic for a couple of hours every day.

Evaluate your moving options carefully before settling on the first affordable neighborhood you find in a small town somewhere. You never know when you will have the chance to find something similar in a big city!

looking for a small town

Don’t Forget to Do Your Research

Before you set your heart on a small town in America:

  • Take some time to review the stats and figures.
  • Do cost analysis.
  • Spend time reading blogs.
  • Touch base with friends or family members with their own personal views or experiences with rural spaces.

Take a look at both perspectives and even a mutual point of view to gather your thoughts and opinions better and consult with other household members before finalizing your plans.

Inquiring for a moving company quote can actually change depending on where you are going.

There are many rural areas that moving companies cannot reach easily, and sometimes, additional charges may be involved with securing a smaller truck or specialty resources.

big city movers

Relocation to Big Cities

Urban areas are usually defined as places with high population density, high-quality infrastructure, and environments.

The big city life is not for everyone but it is something that people tend to gravitate to the city because it is so filled with life, people, entertainment, shopping, and amenities.

But this won’t always support the life you hope to lead in your new town. Cities usually offer more opportunities than what is seen in small towns. They are bright, beautiful, and bold environments!

Long-distance moving to a big city or small-town life can be a very emotionally taxing event due to all the changes taking place. But as long as you have a quality moving company by your side, you can settle for either side of life!

new skyscrapers in a small town

Things are Constantly Changing, so Be Prepared to Keep Up

There are often changes taking place within big city infrastructure, buildings, construction, etc. You may end up settling into big city living easily but be prepared for the neighborhood and neighboring areas to see changes frequently.

Cities are developed areas, but they will continue to grow in population and see fluctuations in business; therefore, the environment has to keep up.

This will cause change to take place sometimes more than you would like, although it shouldn’t ever interfere with your personal stability.

Are you ready to request moving services to a city near you? Eden’s Moving Services provides cost-friendly moving solutions to the world of your choice – whether to a local small town or a new large city across the country!

small town moving companies

Evaluating Small-Town Life for Your Family or Household

Doing your research on the possibilities of life in a new house in smaller towns may offer an example of what to expect, but digging into the details is something people tend to neglect.

There are many nuances to living in a small town, from public schools to housing and rent prices, but it is your job to decide what is best for your household, children, and family.

Small towns and rural spaces take up over 95% of the United States’ land, but they currently hold less than a quarter of the country’s population.

City life can produce a bit of a crazy and hectic head space, housing may be limited alongside space, and the community may not be as supportive as you would like.

Small-town living doesn’t automatically imply everything will be exactly as it seems – not everything will be filled with corn fields, cows, and farmhouses.

Before exiting your current big city or suburban town, try making a list of how these pros and cons could affect your household and secure reputable moving storage companies for some quality relocation assistance.

move to the countryside

Benefits of Living in Rural Areas

Many people with jobs that allow them to work from home and have flexible workspaces opt to move out of the big cities and into more rural areas.

In most cases, this gets those people away from all the craziness of the city and may discover the wonders of moving to Wyoming, Montana, Arkansas, or maybe even Alabama!

There are options for small-town living all across America and perhaps even locally within your current state. Moving into a smaller town has many benefits, and weighing out all of the options before determining your final destination is essential.

love of the common people

Save Money on Housing for Your Family

It is no secret that there is a substantial change in the cost of living when it comes to living in a big city versus a small town.

Even suburbia will end up with higher prices than rural spaces, and research has been created over the years to evaluate how the locals live, what they have to pay in terms of home prices, how far their money gets with essentials, and the average cost of rent, etc.

In smaller towns, you will be able to find a lot more space for a whole lot less money, and while the details can vary depending on what town you choose – you still have a wider variety of options available than you would in an urban space.

You can’t get a big house with a backyard and garden in the middle of the city, but you sure can in a smaller town!

Most people cite this as their primary reason for leaving the city – to get out of their apartment and access a house with more space at a reasonable cost!

Don’t forget to compare this to your moving company cost or overall moving budget because this can help you to make a more informed decision.

small town small expenses

Evaluating the Costs of Living in an Affordable Neighborhood

If you already know how much space you are looking for, you can easily look at popular smaller communities housing and apartment listing websites to better understand how much it may cost to live there.

Some people have caught onto this trend, and in the past few years, moving quotes, housing, and rent prices have all been trending up rather than down – so the dream of cheaper property is not necessarily something that can be guaranteed in all rural cities.

  • The average cost of a house in the lovely but remote Timnath, Colorado, is approximately $550,000, cheaper than in Denver.
  • The median sale price of a home in Iowa Colony, TX, is around $412,000.
  • Triana, Alabama, is a quaint small town outside of Huntsville. You can purchase a home for as little as $278,000!
  • Over in Pendergrass, GA, the average selling price of a house is about $342,000. These numbers are staggering for some, but for the locals that have been there for many years, they have likely gotten into the town for even cheaper!

small town atmosphere

Enjoy a Laid Back, Calm, and Peaceful Atmosphere in Small Towns

Small-town living is much more laid back and relaxed than city life; it offers a nice, quiet place to settle down and raise your kids.

When you compare a smaller town like Ouray, CO, to a popular city like Colorado Springs, CO, you get to live behind a large city that usually boasts sounds of police sirens, cars whooshing past your windows, and all the usual suspects of noise pollution that comes with big city life.

Most rustic or countryside cities offer both a break from the noise and light so you can clear your mind and the stars are brighter!

Of course, the lifestyle change can feel like culture shock to some, but when you realize the differences at your new place offer more emotional and mental stability – it is hard to turn that kind of happiness down.

But will your new place offer help you realize your dreams, job aspirations, and education endeavors? Before you decide on your final destination, call a reliable moving company for safe transportation!

local communities in small towns

Connect with Ease to Your Local Community and Local Events

Small towns innately have a smaller population, allowing everyone access to a close-knit community that is impossible in large cities.

With the help of long-distance movers, you can get wherever you need to go and leave the big city behind for something different.

Connections are how we can get through the ups and downs of life. Our family and friends provide us with support when needed; in return, people tend to follow suit.

Smaller towns tend to have members with tighter-knit relationships, which the locals love because the community can come together over local events, spend time together in outdoor activities, and continue to build on those relationships for the better.

In the short and long run, your children can cultivate a different idea of family and acquire a new perspective on the world.

outdoor activities in small towns

Relish in Nature and Outdoor Activities

One of the most extraordinary things about life in a smaller town is your access to the great outdoors and nature – something big city living doesn’t necessarily offer aside from parks and open spaces scattered through the area.

If you aren’t a fan of the concrete jungle, then small towns may be suitable for your life, as research shows kids and adults will live a more active lifestyle when they have connections to the outside.

Moving cross country can be this giant scary event because you are getting outside of the world you have previously created, selling your apartment or property, and entering a culture you haven’t previously been a part of.

big city to small town movers

Transitioning into a Small Town from a Big City

That doesn’t mean that your life can’t be better nourished through this new world because, in most cases, neighborhoods in small towns have a wide-open playground right in their backyards! This is yet another significant selling point for small-town living.

Even though the area and boundary lines may be small, it doesn’t mean you are confined to that reality when you have a forest next to your home, a pond or lake nearby, and wide open spaces to observe and play in whenever your heart desires!

lifestyle of kids in towns

Creating A New Kind of Lifestyle for Your Family AND Kids

If you are previously accustomed to city life or living in a big city, then the transition to a small town may feel overwhelming, but your current point of view shouldn’t limit the idea of making that kind of change.

When you live in a household with others, the moving process will also alter their life course.

Leaving big cities behind doesn’t have to mean that you will never return, but just think of how much space your children and animals will have to run around in your new small town, how much money you will be able to save on your new house or apartment and what kind of lifestyle changes you can make in doing so.

You have the chance to choose something different consciously, and in turn, you teach everyone in your household that they can, too!

The best storage options for moving will usually be with your moving company; whether you are headed to big cities or small towns, the details don’t matter – but getting into a quality storage facility sure does.

living by the lake

Maintain a Sense of Privacy

In big cities, people tend to complain about their noisy neighbors if they are living in an apartment, sometimes nosey neighbors too!

When it comes to your average small town, privacy is not going to be one of your primary concerns. Local furniture movers travel all across the country throughout the year, and even they can attest to the difference between a small town and a big city!

Now, sometimes, the cities are so small that the locals decide to chat about everyone else’s personal business – but it is not your job to control these components.

In a small town, you get to leave all of the following behind:

  • You don’t have to worry about a random city dweller breaking into your car at night or in the early morning, nor do you have to fight through a giant line of people at restaurants just to sit down and eat.
  • You don’t constantly need to be concerned about shutting your blinds.
  • You can walk outside your front door without being immediately bombarded with people, keep your slippers on to run your dog out, etc.

gossiping in small towns

Although with a Smaller Population, this Can Go Either Way with the Locals’

By that same token, if you plan on moving to a small town, you will have privacy to a certain extent. Because there are such close relationships, people like to talk, and there isn’t as much space as in a big city.

There is no real way to stop gossip unless you keep your business close to the chest and between small circles of people you genuinely trust.

kids running in a small town

Lower Your Stress Levels in a Smaller Town

A big city can add to your ability to manage stress, as most young professionals and adults are stuck in a fast-paced place, and everyone feels like they have to keep up.

With a small town, there is a more relaxed feeling. Research shows that stress is still experienced over financial, personal, and daily life issues.

Still, with closer relationships and lower pressure placed on you by your immediate surroundings – the stress is much easier to manage.

These small cities have some of the least stressed people in America:

  • Ogden, Utah
  • Madison, Wisconsin
  • Des Moines, Iowa
  • Portland, Maine
  • Fort Collins, Colorado

Who doesn’t want to manage their stress levels better? Call up the Colorado moving experts at Eden’s Moving Services for a stress-free moving experience, too!

bar fights

Drawbacks of Small-Town Living

It is undoubtedly great to save money or living expenses and housing, not having to deal with high crime rates and petty theft and end up with a close-knit neighborhood in a small town, but you have to come to grips with reality and look at the positives and negatives.

Small-town living has its perks, but sometimes big cities can offer the kind of entertainment, shopping, restaurants, and overall life you want.

Unpacking those differences between smaller towns and large cities will help you determine where the differences lie and how moving to one or the other could impact your life.

public transportation in small towns

Transportation Options May be Limited in Smaller Towns

Depending on which small town or small city you are in, you may have a few issues with public transit and even commute time.

If you are planning on hiring a crew of cross-country movers to get you to your new life, be sure to research nearby schools, job sites, and essential areas throughout the neighborhood so you can navigate how easily it will be to reach each location.

In smaller towns, there isn’t the same infrastructure and services as there would be in a big city, so you have to be prepared for the following:

  • Public transportation will be limited or, in some cases, may not reach you at all.
  • Education services and public schools may not have the same bus route system for your children as you were accustomed to in the city.
  • You will likely realize quickly that a car is necessary to get to your jobs, schools, complete food shopping, essential runs, restaurants, etc. because things are spaced further apart.

unemployed people in small towns

The Jobs Available May be From a Small Pool

Locals in small towns usually favor the lifestyle they lead; many of them will work, play, and eat together within their communities because the jobs available are limited compared to what is typical of larger cities.

While this is not true for every small town, you should always be prepared with a backup plan before moving somewhere new with your local interstate movers. Moving services are there to make your life easier.

Still, if you are not prepared for the dry job market when you arrive, you could have difficulties putting food on the table, gaining a job that will maintain the previous lifestyle you led, or even issues paying rent or your mortgage.

usually no one hires in small town

Job Culture in Rural Areas

Whether you are moving to Kansas to chase your own version of the yellow brick road or any small town across America, you will see a lot of differences in the job culture.

  • Many residents within smaller towns work from home or commute to work to maintain a decent salary.
  • There will be many positions available in the service industry that often have lower wages.
  • Residents in a small town sometimes have to choose from the same corporations to work for, which means living next door and seeing them at work.
  • There should always be options available in essential services like the local hospital, government facilities, county jobs, etc.

lonely people hanging around in small towns

Isolation in Rural Areas May Lead to Loneliness

Every small town will have its own perks and quirks that take some getting used to. If you are already in the process of interviewing long-distance moving companies, you are likely already in the throws of emotional changes.

Small towns are usually tucked into their neighborhood areas and communities, and others are remote. Being away from the big cities is usually why people choose that kind of place to live.

Still, it can bring up feelings of extreme isolation and loneliness – which can lead to exaggeration of preexisting mental health issues or the birth of new ones.

  • Be sure to check in with yourself and those around you and seek help when needed.
  • Moving to a small town to save money doesn’t mean much when you can’t hold onto your happiness.

after moving emotions

Moving Brings Up These Emotions As Well

Moving can seriously alter your life, emotions, and mental state, and relocating to a small town and neighborhood you don’t know anything about can be difficult emotionally.

There are many ways to navigate the stress of living when moving to a new place – from hiring a crew of professional movers to help you get to your new home and live safely to leaning on your loved ones for support.

You will be better off in the long run, but as you transition your lifestyle, reach out to your friends, family, and professional services for assistance!

small diners and clubs

Smaller Entertainment and Dining Options

Unfortunately, all the delicious restaurants, food delivery services, weekend entertainment, art galleries, venues, clubs, and amenities of the big city will not match what a small town will offer.

When you move to a new place, there will always be some good and bad that need to be accepted. But small towns will have limited means of entertainment, good places to eat, etc.

Ready to make the sacrifices necessary to be living in a small town? Contact Eden’s Moving and Storage Services for a free moving quote!

angry teachers and unqualified ones

Schools Aren’t Always the Best

It is not necessarily a secret that education is not the most significant focus of every small town. However, that is typical because the funding is much different than distributions to more heavily populated schools in the big city.

Hiring home movers and packers and moving to small towns means sacrificing specific options you would have easy access to in the city.

The National Center of Education Stats, or NCES, has determined the following:

  • Teachers are paid significantly less in small towns than in more popular districts in big cities.
  • Countryside schools see less funding than education systems in the big city.
  • However, students who are raised and go to school in a small town have an almost 90% graduation rate, much better than what is often seen throughout prominent cities.

frustrated teachers in small towns

Education Isn’t Held to the Same Standards as it Would Be in a Large City

It is unfortunate, but small towns cannot uphold the exact offers that those living in the city receive due to how funding is distributed.

There are fewer 1-to-1 schooling options for children, limited resources, and few teachers are interested in working in a small town because they are not paid enough to afford their own rent or home options, etc.

Have moving questions about an upcoming relocation project to a small town? Eden’s Moving has answered all of your questions for you!

no stable internet connectivity

Issues with Connectivity – Internet and Utilities

If you are thinking of living in a small town or moving to Idaho, Texas, or Idaho – be prepared for some problems with connectivity.

This can happen just about anywhere, but if you are used to getting up every morning and hitting the tube for entertainment or reading blogs to stay current on current events, make sure you have a backup plan in place.

Small-town living is typically remote; therefore, you may run into some internet outages and problems with electricity, and if there is any extreme weather, you can expect both to fly the coup!

go big, go strong

Advantages of Dwelling in a Large City

The question of living in a big city and a small town is challenging to make an unbiased argument for because there is no one example for life that works for everyone.

With a small town versus a big city – there are still similarities that everyone will share universally, but the differences seem to outweigh those consistencies.

Before uncovering the best relocation insights on big-city living, you must rule out the possibility of living in a small town.

Understanding which is better depends on how your lifestyle fits into both potential scenarios, job opportunities, house or rent cost, and how moving will affect the rest of your household.

But in a big city, you will have access to reputable job options, like-minded people to form relationships with, endless entertainment, good food, fun, and so much more!

Remember that cheap moving companies are not always the better option. It probably is if something sounds or seems far too good to be true.

earn more in big cities

High Earnings Potential and Thriving Job Markets

You don’t have to do too much research to unveil that unlike living in a small town; the big city has plenty of job opportunities! In a big city and through urbanization, significant economic growth and development have benefited small-town life.

When people first began moving to cities, they brought their skills with them, which sprouted the initial growth of new companies, service options, goods, etc.

If you are moving to locate a well-paying job, you will undoubtedly make better money in the city, have more options in the workforce, and won’t have to settle for the few corporations available within a small town.

Looking for moving companies in your neighborhood? Eden’s Moving is a locally owned moving business offering elite opportunities for residential and commercial relocation projects!

diversity in big cities

Diversity in Your Neighborhood Community

One of the downsides to living in a small town is the lack of diversity present.

Recent studies show that residents in them are prone to having more closed-off mindsets and conservative political views and are less welcome to outsiders.

In a big city, that is not typical, and it is also not easy to do when you live in a place that is so densely populated. Your children will be exposed to all walks of life.

They will have the chance to understand perspectives outside of their own household, which creates better connections between individuals and helps develop empathy.

The following cities offer the most diverse modes of living:

  • Los Angeles, California
  • Houston, Texas
  • New York, NY
  • Chicago, IL

Looking for affordable movers in your next big city? Eden’s Moving offers competitively priced local, long-distance, and cross-country estimates.

know your neighbors


Moving into a big city can be intimidating – introducing yourself to your neighbors, but to thrive in a large metro area or a small town, you must make connections and establish support.

When you live in a place with so many people, you will have the chance to interact with them throughout almost any part of your day – so in a big city, you have a more significant chance of making connections than in a small town.

various of cultural and restaurant types

Continual Entertainment, Restaurant, and Amenity Options

In just about any big city across America, you will have improved living standards because you will inevitably have access to it!

City life is filled with vibrant opportunities, including local cafes, clubs, food options, fine dining, gyms, and things to fit just about any interest, want, or need.

If you aren’t ready to call up out-of-state movers today, then take some more time to research the city you will be going to.

Visiting the nearby coffee shops, ice cream parlors, and brunch spots is a great way to get to know your community.

easy transportation

Straightforward Transportation

While parking may be an issue if you rent an apartment or condo in the big city, public transit is simple.

Of course, you will need to know how to navigate the systems, but popping on a bus or train to get to work or your favorite food spot is much easier to do than driving 20 miles like you may have to in a small town.

Big-city living and commuting are made simple with public transit, and you can even go to neighboring towns!

If you plan on booking local moving companies and moving to a big city, one of these options may be in your best interest as they have the best public transportation available.

  • Portland, Oregon, is an environmentally conscious city with an extensive bus and train system.
  • Denver, Colorado, has a public transit system that residents are incredibly pleased with as all stations are ADA accessible with bus and light rail routes!
  • Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, offers a bus and an underground light rail option for only $2.50 with a ConnectCard.

you just cannot drive anywhere

Walkability is Prioritized in Big Cities

Alongside public transportation options in a big city, many residents are dedicated to ensuring they can also walk or bike.

Many large metro areas have developed committees and overseeing agencies to help increase both livability and walkability, encouraging healthy communities and an active lifestyle.

Local packers and movers are transporting households nationwide to large cities!

The following cities offer accessible, safe, and walkable routes throughout the area:

  • San Francisco has a walk score of 89.
  • New York is a close second with a walk score of 88.
  • Boston has gained a walk score of 83.
  • Miami, Florida, has a score of 77!

Excellent Public Schools

As we have discussed, small-town living doesn’t afford the best options in education for primary and secondary school programs.

A big city provides you options in higher education and your children the ability to thrive in an environment that suits their learning styles.

Large cities have additional money and funding to ensure proper leaders, administration, teaching staff, electronic devices, extracurriculars, arts, music, etc.

Looking to move to a big city in hopes of access to a better education?

Eden’s Moving is one of the best long-distance moving companies, providing relocation, packing, and storage solutions all across the country!

homeless people in big cities

Disadvantages of Big City Living

There are so many advantages to living in a big city, but if you are already searching for moving packing services, gaining a complete picture perspective is essential to ensure you are headed to the right place.

There are some things a small town can offer that you will never find throughout the cities of America, and taking a deeper look at any possible problems, drawbacks, and potential hurdles you may face will offer a more extensive look at how the possibility of living in a small town may better serve a large city.

Higher Prices on Property and Apartment Rentals

Apartment listing websites will reveal much larger price points for big-city living opportunities than a smaller town.

Smaller towns don’t always have the same level of privilege available to offer residents, which is a significant disadvantage to those living there. Still, there is an excellent price tag to match what is available.

Big cities pack in all the major amenities, whether you are enlisting the help of movers and packers for apartment moving or purchasing a home.

How much space you will have available may also be questionable in big cities as most everything is on top of the next. Moving into a big city may be challenging money-wise, but alternate neighborhoods always exist.

Plus, locating a quality paying job is easy, so finding a house or apartment within your monthly budget is possible!

rent a house in big city

Typical Rent and Home Prices in an Urban City

There is no way to get around the pricing you will experience in the city, whether attempting to rent an apartment or purchase a home.

Even with the extensive job opportunities, some families struggle to provide basic needs like food, clothing, and rent.

And with all the changes an infrastructure can make over the years, the rise in living costs can shoot up and down rather quickly.

You wouldn’t experience extreme fluctuations in a small town, and most people tend to experience a more stable lifestyle outside the city regarding expenses.

Ready to begin research on moving estimates?

Money shouldn’t be the central focus of your moving journey, so comparing all possible estimates is essential before booking a mover to ensure that you are moving forward in the right direction in a way that suits your budget and allows you to manage your money better.

Less Space is Common for Most People

You will also need to get used to having less space than you would in a small town. There are many renters in the city, which doesn’t provide you with many options for space, a backyard, or storage.

But if you are moving to a small town, you can get the best of both worlds – comfortable spaces, lots of room, and lower prices!

So be sure you have a crew of moving specialists who can offer top-tier professional packing services. This will simplify the unpacking and settling in – especially when you are downsizing or operating within a small space in a big city.

This Also Means Fewer Opportunities for Nature

When you are in a city, you aren’t necessarily in a place that offers an abundance of the natural world. If you are a nature lover, a small town may be better suited for your lifestyle than a large city.

You will likely step outside your house or apartment to loads of other homes, condos, businesses, and concrete buildings.

When you are working with cross-country moving companies to relocate to a small town, you are likely located in a place that is far away from concrete jungles and all of the hustle and bustle.

However, many outdoor activities and options are still available in a metro area – from outdoor spaces to parks and playgrounds!

When you do your initial housing search or home or apartment listing websites, you can search neighboring parks and open spaces to make an informed decision on your final destination!

higher crime rate

Higher Crime Rates are Typical of Large Cities

Crime rates in the big city are almost always higher than what small towns are used to seeing. A small town seems to move a bit more slowly than a fast-paced city, and there is more control over everyone who lives there.

There is a more significant number of people within the population, but you can always research your big cities of interest before your state-to-state movers show up!

The following city options are amongst the more popular in the country:

  • Thousand Oaks, CA
  • Pembroke Pines, FL
  • Gilbert, AZ
  • Naperville, IL

Locals Experience More Stress and Anxiety

Experts have been reviewing consistent mental health checks about any connections between the progression of urbanization and modernization and stress and anxiety.

More urban ecosystems are directly linked to causing additional and unnecessary stress due to the high-pressure environment, and it is also more challenging to manage those feelings.

On the same token, plenty of mental health support is available throughout the city, which is less accessible in a small town.

These environments attempt to provide the necessary solutions to slow the spread of stress and offer the tools to work through difficult emotions.

Consulting with moving and storage companies doesn’t need to be stressful, either. With Eden’s Moving, you can get to your new city or small town comfortably, safely, and quickly!

Coping With City Life Can be Challenging

If you are coming from a small town and moving into a large city, there is quite a move comparison to be completed as only you can assess the way to unpack how you will deal with it.

The changes from the move and the new difficulties from your surrounding environment may be challenging to steer through, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore these things.

Coping and dealing with everything head-on can provide you access to beautiful new beginnings in a big city or a small town!

Traffic Can be a Nightmare

Walking, biking, scootering, and running are sometimes more accessible ways to commute in the big city because you don’t have to encounter the terrors of traffic.

Even interstate movers and packers have to deal with these kinds of things as they, too, are on the roadways during transit.

Cities are notorious for having lousy traffic, making commutes longer, causing people to run late, and even contributing to stress and anxiety.

The following city options are some of the worst traffic in the United States:

  1. Chicago, Illinois
  2. Boston, Massachusettes
  3. New York, New York
  4. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  5. Miami, Florida
moving and storage denver
Best Long Distance Movers in Colorado!

Assessing Your Wants and Needs When Moving to a New Place

If you have found yourself scrolling through home and apartment listing websites and local apps or simply have been lingering on the idea of moving to a new environment, then making the proper assessments for your lifestyle is critical before moving.

Don’t forget to research the best moving companies near you to determine the most suitable option for your big move to the city or a small town!

There are plenty of modes of education to help you decide where you will go, and those services exist for a reason, so utilize them to the best of your ability.

While moving help is always necessary for a major relocation effort, spend some time scoping out your future house or apartment, too!

Take a Look for Yourself

Whether you are interested in moving somewhere within Colorado closer to the mountains or out-of-state relocation efforts, don’t make your decision based on one thing.

Eden’s Moving Services are licensed and local movers in Colorado, supplying families with transportation to their new homes and lifestyles. Our priority is to make that trip as seamless and stress-free as possible.

That way, you don’t need to worry about the moving services and procedures and can focus on your children and family member’s transition into your new big city or small town!

Contact Local Moving Professionals for Help

Our Denver movers will provide a free estimate on local, long-distance, and cross-country moving projects. We aim to ensure every customer is delighted upon completing their relocation process.

While the debate between small-town living and the perks of being in big cities continues, we are not sure there is one right answer.

You are in complete control of your life, and trying something different for a while will always bring you new experiences, lessons, and relationships.

It is up to you to decide where you are going, but leave the moving logistics up to Eden’s Moving Services. We can’t wait to hear where you will be headed next!

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PUC# 00243 MC#641757 DOT# 1752778

Denver moving company

Unbeatable prices and our unparalleled moving service are what make our residential and commercial moving services so popular for both local moves and long-distance moves.